waking up this to world ( i dn't cur bought no mispeld wrdz)

peace peace peace Good Morning .  Hope everyone woke up healthy ( which is more important than anything ) with some task that needs to be fulfilled. Having nothing to do is the worst thing for anyone.  The time we  spend peering into our dark rectangles (phones) as we look at other peoples lives, is just unnatural.  We Must schedule things and write things on paper. Begin to live again. Stop listening to People that are too lazy to act , But always have something to say. It's time to get a little uncomfortable. It's time to be honest. If you don't make you future there's a network as Old as History willing to hurde you into the tiny confines which today as known as peace. 

 Things worth trying-  A ) Get a watch that is not linked to wifi or has internet service


                                  B) Clean your room/cell , or living space every morning you wake up ( make sure you have an hour or so to do this, as you get better at organizing and knowing where things go it gets a lot quicker )


                                  C) Brush your teeth and Floss and brush your tongue, even if your missing teeth or have no teeth. wash your body if you have running water.


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